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About NTVC

Northern Trails Vocal Connection was established in 2023 by Choral Director Jennifer Neveu-Campsall. NTVC is comprised of choristers aged 16+, and offers members the opportunity to sing high caliber music at a high level of musicianship. 

Rehearsals are held September through June on Wednesdays, 7:30pm to 9:30pm at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Uxbridge.

siMul in canticum

together in song

Northern Trails Vocal Connection was born to:

  • Provide high quality choral music to the Durham Region for the purposes of community enjoyment.

  • Provide education and outreach to school age children to further perpetuate the respect and longevity of music programs in schools and choral music in general.

Mission and Values

NorthernTrailsVocalConnection - UxbridgeChoir
Jennifer Neveu-Campsall Northern Trails

Jennifer Neveu-Campsall​

Jennifer Neveu-Campsall is the founder and director of Northern Trails Vocal Connection, launching in 2023.  As the founder of Bella Nove and also the Uxbridge Youth Choir, she is no stranger to bringing new choral projects to life with passion and dedication.  Her own training and musical history expand private teaching, conducting, performing as a soloist and chorister and appearing as an adjudicator and clinician.  In her ‘non-musical life’, Jennifer is a proud mom, wife and athlete, training as a martial artist, fitness instructor and ultra trail runner…of course, only in the Northern Trails…..


Lisa Lauriault

Lisa is thrilled to be a member of the NTVC! With a Bachelor of Music Therapy and a Bachelor of Education, Lisa is always striving to improve as a musician. She is an elementary school music teacher in Stouffville for about 500 students and is the former Arts Consultant for YCDSB. Most recently, Lisa joined Mirvish Productions as Assistant Conductor for SIX the Musical.

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